- January 2, 2025: Inventory list to the gallery (this form)
- January 2-6, 2025: Delivery of artwork to gallery
- January 16, 2025: Show opens & RECEPTION is 6-8pm
- February 22, 2025: Show ends
- February 25-28, 2025: Art pickup: – no Saturday pickups
Show theme: Beyond Blue
Artwork: Pieces that have never been shown in Waco before or at the Art Center within last 2 years
Number of pieces: 3-4 (depends on how many people participate)
Size requirements: Any size but if big (bigger than 20×30) then probably 2 pieces
Framing: Should be framed with D hooks (haven’t heard if edges can be painted only )
Contract: Bring completed form when you drop off your art (download contract)
Art Inventory for AC Catalog: Attach to completed contract and give to ACW with your art (download)
Gallery commission: 40% – However, your pieces do not have to be for sale