Artist Statement

“I am interested in subjects with strong light sources which form substantial patterns. To me there is nothing more exciting in art as to see how that light changes the surface of the object or form, dividing it into multiple colors and values. The challenge of painting these changes draws me into the subject and I will take every opportunity to play and experiment with color and texture. My ultimate wish is that my viewer will feel an excitement or familiarity upon the first time they view my paintings.”

Learn more about Joanna and her art by visiting her website and following her on social media.

Background & Bio

 Joanna Burch is native born, living and working now in Dallas, Texas in the United States.  With a background in the graphic arts, she has always been interested in the fine arts of painting using several different mediums. In her 40 plus year career she has helped start many art organizations and held board positions in those organizations. In her many years teaching classes and workshops, one of her favorite times was teaching after school workshops for children. She still travels to teach group classes. Her articles and artwork have been published in art magazines, which are listed below. In recent years she has participated in Judged and Juried competitions to win numerous awards  


  • International –IPAT Porcelain Artist
  • Porcelain & Glass Painting Magazine
  • International Porcelain Artist Magazine-article and photos- 2014-2016
  • Artist Magazine- Jan./Feb. 2022
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